Day 30: Ikopa watershed colored theme

Day 30: Ikopa watershed colored theme - Antananarivo, a vast playground of river floods during the wet season.


Tools: QGIS, Blender, Adobe PS

Data: SRTM 30m, HumData, OpenSreetMap

Day 27: Music map

Day 27: Music map - Just a representation of how music shapes the world.


Tool: Blender, Adobe PS

Data: Nasa, Sketchfab

Day 20: Favorite color

Day 20: Favorite color - My favorite height map color.


Tool: QGIS

Data: SRTM, OpenSreetMap

Day 19: Globe

Day 19: Globe - Globe stucked in blender haha!


Tool: Blender

Data: Nasa images textures

Day 18:Ikopa watershed blue theme

Day 18: Blue - Ikopa watershed blue theme


Tools: QGIS, Blender

Data: SRTM 30m, HumData, OpenSreetMap

Day 16: Minimal map

Day 16: Minimal map - Looks like a cartoon map


Tool: QGIS

Data: Urban master plan

Day 15: Food - Drink

Day 15: Food - Drink - Restaurant and bar in Madagascar


Tool: QGIS

Data: OpenSreetMap

Day 14: Hexagons

Day 14: Hexagons - Buildings height map in Antananarivo


Tool: QGIS

Data: DEM, DSM, Urban Master Plan

Marais Masay and Eastern valley

Topographic map - Marais Masay and Eastern valley


Tool: QGIS

Data: Lidar DTM, Urban Master Plan

Day 22: Null

Day 22: Null - Null error!


Tool: QGIS

Data: OCHA

Day 28: 3D - Somewhere in Madagascar

Day 28: 3D - Somewhere in Madagascar


Tools: QGIS, Blender

Data: SRTM 30m, OpenSreetMap

Day 23: Movement - Landslide risk in Tana

Day 23: Movement - Landslide risk in Antananarivo


Tool: QGIS

Data: Resilience Mada, HumData, OpenSreetMap

Day 13: 5 minutes map - Roads in Tana

Day 13: 5 minutes map - Roads in Antananarivo


Tool: QGIS

Data: OpenSreetMap

Day 11: Red color - Population density in Tana

Day 11: Red color - Population density in Antananarivo


Tool: QGIS

Data: INSTAT, HumData, OpenSreetMap

Day 7: Raster - My first drone map

Day 7: Raster - My first drone map back in 2018


Tools: DJI Mavic Pro, Pix4D, QGIS

Day 6: Hydrographic and road network in Tana

Day 6: Network - Hydrographic and road network in Antananarivo


Tools: QGIS, Blender, Adobe PS

Data: SRTM 30m, OpenSreetMap

Day 5: Ukraine

Day 5: Ukraine - Autonomous Republic of Crimea


Tools: QGIS, Blender, Adobe PS

Data: SRTM 30m, HumData

Day 4: Green color - Manjakamiadana

Day 4: Green color - Manjakamiadana, Antananarivo


Tools: QGIS, Adobe PS

Data: Lidar DTM

Day 3: Polygons - Flood risk in Tana

Day 3: Polygon - Flood risk in Antananarivo


Tools: QGIS

Data: Resilience Mada, HumData, OpenSreetMap

Day 2: Lines - Tana Contour lines

Day 2: Lines - Antananarivo, Contour lines


Tools: QGIS

Data: Lidar DTM, OpenSreetMap

Day 25: Two colors - SpiderMap

Day 25: Two colors - Antananarivo, Red and Blue, SpiderMap?


Tools: QGIS

Data: OpenSreetMap

Day 29: First ArcGIS Pro attempt

Day 29: Out of my confort zone - First ArcGIS Pro attempt


Tools: ArcGIS Pro

Data: ESRI Imagery

Day 1: Points - Sanitation network infra in Tana

Day 1: Points - Sanitation network infrastructure in Antananarivo


Tools: QGIS

Data: Sanitation Master Plan, Lidar DTM, OpenSreetMap

Happy independence day Madagascar

Happy independence day Madagascar!


Tools: QGIS, Blender, Adobe PS

Data: SRTM, ESRI Imagery

Urban evolution of Antananarivo

Urban evolution of Antananarivo


Tools: QGIS

Data: AGETIPA, OpenSreetMap, Urban Master Plan

Topographic map of Antananarivo

Topographic map of Antananarivo


Tools: QGIS

Data: SRTM 30m, OpenSreetMap, Urban Master Plan

Landuse map of Antananarivo

Landuse map of Antananarivo


Tools: QGIS

Data: HumData Urban Master Plan

Analamanga 3D map

Analamanga 3D map


Tools: QGIS, Blender

Data: SRTM 30m, HumData

Day 21: Kontur Population Dataset - Indonesia

Day 21: Kontur Population Dataset - Indonesia by night


Tools: QGIS

Data: Kontur, HumData

Actually, I'm a developper...

Green, QGIS, A random guy? - Actually, I'm a developper...
