Hi, I'm Lova A.

> Let's _

I am passionate about coding and geospatial data, with over 5 years of experience in GIS and Web Development. I specialize in developing web applications, GIS analysis, and GIS data management using Python, JavaScript, QGIS, PostGIS, and FME. I am dedicated, solution-oriented, and capable of working both independently and as part of a team.

My Projects

QGIS.org Website

QGIS.org Website

The main website of the QGIS Project. Kontur did the overhaul of this website. I contributed to its launch and continue to maintain it.

docker bulma html5 css3 sass javascript python nginx nixos

QGIS Plugins Website

QGIS Plugins Website

This portal manages and provides plugins to enhance QGIS functionality. I maintain the site and update its branding to align with the main QGIS.org website.

django postgresql docker bulma css3 html5 javascript nginx python sass

QGIS Feed Website

QGIS Feed Website

This portal provides the latest updates and news for the QGIS Community. I maintain the site and update its branding to match the main QGIS.org website.

django postgresql docker bulma css3 html5 javascript nginx python sass

QGIS Resources Hub Website

QGIS Resources Hub Website

This portal provides resources for QGIS, including styles, processing models, and 3D models. I maintain the site and update its branding to match the main QGIS.org website.

django postgresql docker bulma css3 html5 javascript nginx python sass

QGIS Planet Website

QGIS Planet Website

This portal provides the latest posts and updates related to QGIS from the Community. I maintain the site and update its branding to match the main QGIS.org website.

docker bulma html5 css3 sass javascript python nginx nixos


A web mapping project based on QGIS Server, PyQGIS, PostGIS, OpenLayers, AngularJS, and Django. I initiated a feasibility study for this project as part of my doctoral research.

django angular postgresql docker typescript nginx html5 css3 javascript nginx

Map Gallery

Map Gallery

A collection of maps created with QGIS, Blender, and other tools. Most were produced during the 30 Days Maps Challenge in November 2022.

My Journey


2019 - Present

PhD Candidate

Doctorate Thesis on the Integrated Urban Water Management in the agglomeration of Antananarivo - University of Antananarivo, Madagascar

2016 - 2017

Master's Degree

Master's Degree in Geography - University of Antananarivo


Oct 2023 - Present

QGIS Full Stack Web Developer - Kartoza (Pty) Ltd

  • Develop and assist QGIS in realising their new web site and maintain their existing web sites
Nov 2020 - Sep 2023

Web-GIS Developer - Futurmap

  • Development/deployment of Web-GIS platforms that include interactive maps, geospatial data visualization and management, user management, and access control (+5 web mapping successful projects)
  • Development of QGIS plugins that automate web mapping project publication and improve internal production (+3 QGIS plugins developed)
  • Processing of geographical data to facilitate their exploitation
  • Creating 2D maps to animate social networks
Nov 2018 - Oct 2020

GIS Consultant/Jr. Project Manager - AGETIPA

  • Monitoring of the implementation of the expropriation process, the development of urban plans and sanitation master plan, the acquisition of Lidars and ortho photos
  • Rendering 2D and 3D maps as decision making tool for each project
  • Design of a web mapping application for projects managed by the Agency
  • Managing PostgreSQL / PostGIS database
  • Training stakeholders and internally on getting started with QGIS
Jun 2017 - Aug 2017

Trainee - AGETIPA

  • Contribution to the identification of neighborhoods benefiting an urban project
  • Use of the ELECTRE-TRI tool on Qgis for the multicriteria study of intervention zone
  • Implemented an internal PostGIS server and online maps on QGIS Cloud

My Skills

Coding Skills


CSS 85%

JavaScript 80%

Shell 75%

HTML 85%

Professional Skills

GIS 90%

Web Development 90%

DevOps, Deployment and Sysadmin 85%

Project Management 75%

Organizational 90%

Contact Me!